About Us
All our Shrimp are kept in separate tanks to ensure purest of colourings and bred solely on site in UK waters to maximise survival. We feed all our Fish and Shrimp on live food such as brine shrimp. All Shrimp received will be majority juvenile shrimp as they will acclimatise a lot better to their new environment.
Care Reccomendations
A large aquarium is not needed to keep Neocaridina Shrimp and a setup of at least 25L should be more than enough to sustain a colony.
All aquariums, including Neocaridina Shrimp tanks, should be filtered and cycled. A sponge filter or a regular filter with a pre-filter sponge is recommended when keeping dwarf shrimp, as their fry are very small and can easily get sucked up by powerful filters. A heater is usually not a necessity if the setup is located in a heated room, although you can choose to go for one if you want to make sure the temperature remains stable. A Thermometer is recommended to monitor the temperature as ideally you do not want to keep them in waters over 24-25 degrees.
All shrimp will feel safest when there are plenty of hiding places in their aquarium. Shrimplets (Babies) are known to hide within the plants and rocks for safety.
They will thrive in a range of water parameters however never introduce them into an uncycled tank, as they are very sensitive to ammonia and nitrites.
Neocaridina Shrimp are very peaceful and vulnerable creatures. They will never harm any tankmates, but will easily fall prey to hungry fish. If you keep higher and more expensive grades, it might be a good idea to set up a single species aquarium. Still, peaceful inverts like other shrimp and small snails are recommended.
Shrimp can share a tank with a number of peaceful species, including Corydoras and Otocinclus catfish, small schooling fish, guppies and more. The shrimp should usually breed quickly enough to sustain the population despite regular casualties, provided there are enough hiding places.
Neocaridina Shrimp will feed on algae and the tiny organisms living in plants and other organic material. However, their diet will usually have to be supplemented. A high-quality shrimp food can be used as a staple. They will also accept blanched vegetables, frozen foods and all kinds of sinking fish foods.
Our DOA Policy
When opening the parcel, a picture is to be taken immediately if any shrimp is found to have died during transit. All parcels are tracked and we will receive a notification of delivery. You must make contact within 1 hour of receiving to ensure a refund or replacement. Refunds and Replacements will take 1-2 working days to process.
Shrimp will be sent in breather bags, placed within styrofoam boxes and cardboard outer layer to insulate and maximise safe travel. During colder months, disposable heat packs will be added to ensure warmth for 30+ Hours.